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Montessori inspired Parend-Child Playgroup
Nimi: Montessori inspired Parend-Child Playgroup
Juhendaja: Elsa Luik
Valdkond: Playgroup
Lastele vanuses: 8k - 3a
Asukoht: Tuukri 11, Tallinn, Tuukri 11
Korra tasu: 20,00€
Lepinguline osalemine: 60,00€
Toimumiste info: 1 kord nädalas N
Toimumise vahemik: 01.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
Täituvus iga toimumise kohta: 0 - 7
Kirjeldus: • Group is for children at the age of 9 month-3 years.
• Enrollment criteria for adult is adequate level of English or Estonian to allow to understand the playgroup mentor and motivation to work with own child.
• Number of participants in one group: 7 children.

We meet once a week and the duration of the lesson is 1 h 30 min. It includes:

1. Free activity in the Montessori environment for 60 minutes.
Individual work in the Montessori environment with materials and toys for fine motor skills and self-service skills, language, sensory skills, coordination of movements and a sense of order.
2. Musical lesson in English for about 15-30 minutes. Group work, where children and their parents sing, dance, play finger games.
3. Snack time where your child can sit with others on the table and have some snack.

Playgroup is guided by Elsa Luik and lead by AMI 0-3 teacher Margarita Raaliste.

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